The Franco-British business community gathering at the Parliament.

On March 25th, The Franco-British business community gathered at Parliament to discuss the next chapter of the Franco-British relationship.

Organised by the French Chamber and hosted by The Rt Hon Stephen Crabb MP, Chair of the All-Party Parliamentary Group for France, this reception brought together business representatives, MPs, Lordships and Dames. As well as institutional stakeholders for an evening of networking and exchange on the future of the Franco-British relationship.The guest of honour was the Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP, Minister of State for Development and Africa.

An opening speech was presented by The Rt Hon Steven Crabb, MP. Citing the much anticipated bilateral summit that happened earlier this month between French President Emannuel Macron and UK Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak. A meeting that has not happened between the UK and France since 2018.

The UK Ministry of Trade, the Rt. Hon Greg Hands, MP followed with an opening remark referencing the new Napoleon film and its brutal battles and equally brutal reviews. Earning a hearty laugh from the audience. This was followed by a reference to the borough of Chelsea and Fulham, being one of the most heavily populated French residencies in the heart of London.

HE Ms Hélène Duchêne, the Ambassador of France in the UK, referenced the France-UK school trip that is to continue despite of Brexit. And celebrated the Entente Cordiale agreement as well as the continued efforts of both countries on global challenges. 

Paul Spence, Director of Strategy and Corporate Affairs at EDF, the sponsors of the evening referenced the ongoing Hinkley Point C project as the core of a vital partnership between the UK and France and thanked them for the ongoing support. 


IWD 2024: Inspiring inclusion with the British Malaysian Society, Women in the Livery and UK Chinese Business Women Association.